Professional Standards
Our professional standards have been developed to provide members with evidence-based information to guide their practice.
ANMF National Practice Standards and Toolkit for Nurses in General Practice
The ANMF National practice standards for nurses in general practice articulate what constitutes best practice for registered nurses and enrolled nurses involved in and being attracted to, the increasingly popular area of general practice.
ANMF National Practice Standards and Toolkit for Nurses in General Practice
The ANMF National toolkit for nurses in general practice is a companion document to the standards, providing resources for registered nurses and enrolled nurses working in the general practice setting. In addition, the Toolkit contains information of benefit to general practices seeking to employ registered nurses and midwives.
The revised Standards Toolkit includes a self-assessment tool for use against the Standards, a professional development plan and portfolio, sample advertisements, job descriptions and interview questions.
Please note that the booklets contained within the Toolkit have been made available to download as separate documents for your convenience.
ANMF National Toolkit for Nurses in General Practice
Registered Nurse Self-Assessment/Peer Appraisal Tool and Professional Development Plan Booklet
Enrolled Nurse Self-Assessment/Appraisal Tool and Professional Development Plan Booklet
National School Nursing Standards for Practice: Registered Nurse
The National School Nursing Standards for Practice: Registered Nurse, have been developed for the benefit of school nurses, other members of the school community including parents and children, education sector employers and bureaucrats, and, nursing and midwifery colleagues working in health care in general.
These standards clearly articulate best practice for nurses working in the school setting.
We encourage nurses working in schools to use these national standards to enable them to work to their full scope of practice, for the betterment of the health and well-being of children and young people in Australia, and, for building a healthy nation for future generations. As the majority of nurses working in school settings are registered nurses these standards are focused on the independent role of the registered nurse.
National School Nursing Standards for Practice: Registered Nurse
Digital Standards and Guidelines
National Telehealth Professional Practice Standards for Nursing and Midwifery
The Telehealth professional practice standards for nursing and midwifery were developed to assist registered nurses, nurse practitioners and midwives in the provision of health services via telehealth technology.
These Telehealth standards provide registered nurses and midwives with the specific considerations for practice that should be addressed in the provision of all forms of telehealth.
Telehealth Standards: Registered Nurses
Telehealth Standards: Registered Midwives
National Guidelines for Telehealth On-line Video Consultation Funded Through Medicare
The Telehealth professional practice guidelines for nursing and midwifery were developed to assist nurses, nurse practitioners and midwives in the provision of health services via telehealth technology.
The guidelines provide advice to nurses and midwives on safe and effective Telehealth on-line video consultation, and uses a framework of: Right Person; Right Safety and Quality; Right Skills; and Right Equipment.
Telehealth Guidelines for On-Line Video Consultation
ANMF National Informatics Standards for Nurses and Midwives
Developed by the ANMF for the benefit of all nurses and midwives, these national Standards clearly articulate the standard of computer literacy, information literacy and information management required of all nurses and midwives, for practice in all settings.
ANMF National Informatics Standards for Nurses & Midwives