
Our professional team is the influential and respected voice of nurses, midwives and carers working in health, maternity and aged care.

We represent the nursing and midwifery professions and advocate for your professional interests at a national level.

Our Professional Team is dedicated to advancing the nursing and midwifery professions by providing advocacy and influence at a national level. Through our work, we aim to improve the health and wellbeing of the community, while contributing to the development of a fairer society.

Influencing national policy and practice

Influencing national policy and practice

We actively participate in the analysis, development and review of national health, maternity and aged care policy, advocating for the professional interests of nurses, midwives and carers.

Representing your professional interests

Representing your professional interests

Our work is dedicated to promoting the professional interests of nurses, midwives and carers, making the professional concerns of our members heard at a national level.

Evidence & submissions

Evidence & submissions

We provide evidence and make submissions to governments, national authorities and stakeholders, on behalf of our members.

Professional issues

Registration and Accreditation

Registration and Accreditation

All nurses and midwives must have completed an accredited and approved program of study and be registered with the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia in order to practice in Australia.

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Rural and Remote Health

Rural and Remote Health

It is estimated that in excess of 80,000 ANMF nurse and midwife members live and/or work in rural and remote parts of Australia. The ANMF is active on a number of fronts to positively influence policy in relation to nursing and midwifery workforce.

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Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health

The ANMF recognises the nursing and midwifery professions play a significant role in improving the health of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and that addressing health inequality is a national priority.

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Social Justice

Social Justice

The ANMF is constantly working towards reducing inequalities in national and global health and well-being and improving social justice and humanitarian treatment for national and global communities.

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Climate Change

Climate Change

The ANMF recognises climate change as a significant issue for health and participates in activities to mitigate its effects. 

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Quality Use of Medicines

Quality Use of Medicines

Medicines make a significant contribution to the treatment of ill health, prevention of disease and improving health outcomes. They can also, however, cause harm.

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Decades of advocacy for NPs

News Decades of advocacy for NPs

17 September 2024

In the late 80s, early in my grad year, I recall telling my mum I was puzzled that the most experienced nurses were the ...

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National midwifery update

News National midwifery update

03 July 2024

“I didn’t know there was a midwife at the ANMF.” At a national conference in 2023, I was excited to run into a midwifery...

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Supporting nurses to work to their scope of practice

News Supporting nurses to work to their scope of practice

28 February 2024

In October 2023, the federal government launched Unleashing the Potential of our Health Workforce – scope of practice re...

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