We’re proud to partner with organisations and businesses who share our vision, working together for better.
HESTA: Super with impact
We're a specialist industry super fund with deep connections to health and community services and those who, like them, make our world better.
HESTA has more than 1.05 million members and close to $90 billion in assets#
‘Super with impact’^ is the positive outcome we create by supporting our members to face the future with confidence, being a gutsy advocate for a fair and healthy community, and delivering investment excellence with impact.
Together, we can work for real-world impact.
^ For more information on Super with impact go to hesta.com.au/impact
# Funds under management as at 11 December 2024.
Issued by H.E.S.T. Australia Ltd ABN 66 006 818 695 AFSL 235249, the Trustee of HESTA ABN 64 971 749 321.This information is of a general nature. It does not take into account your objectives, financial situation or specific needs so you should look at your own financial position and requirements before making a decision. You may wish to consult an adviser when doing this. The target market determination for HESTA products can be found at hesta.com.au/tmd. Before making a decision about HESTA products you should read the relevant Product Disclosure Statement (call 1800 813 327 or visit hesta.com.au/pds for a copy) and consider any relevant risks (visit hesta.com.au/understandingrisk).

Nurses and Midwives Health
Caring for the carers
Nurses & Midwives Health is health insurance for members of the ANMF, and their families. We’re focused on providing members with relevant and affordable health insurance products to support them at every stage of their life.
Nurses & Midwives Health is:
- Not-for-profit. We focus on what matters most – supporting the health and wellbeing of our members, not delivering payouts to shareholders.
- Industry-based. We’re open to members of the ANMF and their families.
- Part of the Teachers Health Group. With over 65 years’ health insurance experience, members can feel confident that they’re in safe hands.
For more information visit nmhealth.com.au/anmf or call 1300 344 000

Nurses & Midwives Support
Nurse & Midwife Support is the national 24/7 support service for nurses, midwives, and students. The service is anonymous, confidential, and free.
You can contact Nurse & Midwife Support about any issue you need support for:
1800 667 877
Your Health Matters!

Jean Hailes for Women's Health
Jean Hailes for Women's Health is a highly respected, national not-for-profit organisation and Australia’s digital gateway (jeanhailes.org.au) for women’s health as appointed by the Federal Government. Founded 30 years ago in honour of an extraordinary medical practitioner and pioneer of women’s health, today the organisation provides free world-class, practical and evidence-based health information for all women, girls and gender-diverse people. As a renowned and respected provider of specialist women’s health education, Jean Hailes also offers accredited e-learning courses, webinars, and plain English and in-language resources for health professionals to support their clinical practice.
Since 2013, Jean Hailes has run Women’s Health Week, Australia’s biggest campaign focusing on good health and wellbeing for all women. The annual campaign takes a preventative approach to good health and is a timely reminder for women to take positive and proactive steps to being healthy in mind and body.