Marking 100 years: The ANMF celebrates
The Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation proudly marks its 100th year, celebrating a century of remarkable achievements and the strength of its members.
ANMF: a century of determination and transformation
The ANMF’s story is one of purpose and passion, people and power. It’s a story of fighting for workers and their rights, and of protecting and promoting our members, our professions, and our communities. As we reflect on the past century, we honour the resilience and dedication that have defined our journey.
For the past century, the ANMF has been a steadfast advocate for the rights and wellbeing of nurses, midwives, and the communities they serve. From striving for fair wages and better working conditions to promoting safer healthcare practices and improved patient care, the ANMF has been a catalyst for positive change.
Throughout its history, the ANMF has shown remarkable resilience and adaptability in the face of challenges. Looking ahead, the ANMF remains dedicated to advancing the nursing and midwifery professions. As we honour the achievements of the past 100 years, we also look forward with enthusiasm. The future holds limitless opportunities, and with the ongoing commitment and passion of nurses, midwives, carers, as a collective, the outlook for healthcare in Australia is promising.
Watch our documentary celebrating the past 100 years and make sure to read reflections and messages from our members, and meet some of our inspiring activists that have made the ANMF great.
ANMJ Articles - Celebrating 100 Years

What a time to be an ANMF member as we celebrate our proud 100-year history
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Still nursing at 83, Rosemary remains a staunch union member
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