Digital Capability Framework

The National Nursing and Midwifery Digital Health Capability Framework was released in October 2020. The purpose of the Framework is to guide nurses and midwives to determine their digital capability level and identify where they can enhance their skills.

The Framework outlines five domains of digital capability for nurses and midwives, these include:

  • Domain 1 - Digital Professionalism;
  • Domain 2 - Leadership and Advocacy;
  • Domain 3 - Data and Information Quality;
  • Domain 4 - Information-Enabled Care; and
  • Domain 5 - Technology

While completing a self-assessment using the Framework, nurses and midwives are guided to identify their current capability level, which may be the formative, intermediate or proficient level across the domains.

The Framework was developed by the Australian Digital Health Agency (ADHA) and the Australasian Institute of Digital Health (AIDH). The ANMF assisted with development and chaired the Advisory Committee overseeing the project.

It is important to note that a nurse or midwife’s digital capability will be significantly impacted by the level of digital technologies they are able to access while working. For example, a nurse working in a health service with minimal access to digital technologies, will be unlikely to achieve a proficient level across all domains or a midwife working in a health setting which is introducing a new electronic medical record, may initially only be able to achieve a formative level in some of the domains.

The Framework is freely available to all nurses and midwives on the ADHA website.

National Nursing and Midwifery Digital Health Capability Framework

There are also resources to assist nurses and midwives to use the Framework available below, including a short introductory video and two ANMF member interviews talking about their experience using the framework.

Introductory Webinar

Introduction to the National Nursing and Midwifery Digital Health Capability Framework webinar

Member Interviews

Melinda Brooks, Nurse Practitioner

Haidee Latham, Midwife

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