The collective voice of more than 326,000 nurses, midwives and carers.

We’re Australia’s largest national union and professional nursing and midwifery organisation.
In collaboration with the ANMF’s eight state and territory branches, we represent the professional, industrial and political interests of over 326,000 nurses, midwives and carers across the country.
About UsANMF 100th Year Anniversary Marking 100 years: The ANMF celebrates
The Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation proudly marks its 100th year, celebrating a century of remarkable achievements and the strength of its members. Join us in celebrating the past 100 years with our upcoming documentary and make sure to read reflections and messages from our members, and meet some of our inspiring activists that have made the ANMF great.
Join The Celebration
The Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation proudly marks its 100th year, celebrating a century of remarkable achievements and the strength of its members. Join us in celebrating the past 100 years with our upcoming documentary and make sure to read reflections and messages from our members, and meet some of our inspiring activists that have made the ANMF great.
Join The CelebrationJoin your local ANMF branch
When you join the union, you not only add to the collective strength of your local branch but also to the strength of the national union, increasing our ability to ensure the work of ANMF members across the country is respected, recognised, valued and rewarded. Visit your local branch to read about the many benefits of membership and the many gains that members have achieved.
Messages from
ANMF Leadership